ProMach Produktmarken

Was steht auf dem Spiel? Alles. Denn der Moment, in dem ein Verbraucher eine Verpackung öffnet, ist der Moment, in dem das Produkt sein Versprechen einlöst. Also muss jeder dieser Momente perfekt konsistent und leistungsgerecht verpackt sein.

ProMach steht für Leistung, und der Beweis liegt in jeder Verpackung.

Shuttleworth is a ProMach product brand. ProMach is a family of best-in-class packaging solution brands serving manufacturers of all sizes and geographies in the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care, and household and industrial goods industries.

{systemName} ist eine ProMach Produktmarke. ProMach ist eine Familie von erstklassigen Marken für Verpackungslösungen, die Hersteller aller Größen und Regionen in der Lebensmittel-, Getränke-, Pharma-, Körperpflege-, Haushalts- und Industriegüterindustrie beliefern.

ProMach entwickelt, fertigt, integriert und unterstützt die anspruchsvollsten und fortschrittlichsten Verpackungslösungen auf dem Weltmarkt. Der vielfältige Kundenstamm, von Fortune-500-Unternehmen bis hin zu kleineren Privatunternehmen weltweit, verlässt sich auf zuverlässige, flexible, technologisch fortschrittliche Anlagen und integrierte Lösungen. ProMach hat seinen Hauptsitz in der Nähe von Cincinnati, Ohio, und verfügt über Produktionsstätten und Büros in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, Mexiko, Brasilien, Europa, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und China.

Filling & Capping



ProMach offers more than a century of experience in designing, manufacturing, integrating, and supporting the most sophisticated and advanced pharmaceutical and medical packaging solutions in the marketplace. ProMach’s technologies can meet the most challenging requirements with minimal downtime, higher productivity, and true pharmaceutical packaging performance, with compliance built right in.

Product Handling

Labeling & Coding

As a leading single source provider of high-quality labeling, coding, and marking systems, ProMach designs, manufactures, and integrates custom identification solutions to ensure peak operational efficiency. With advanced systems for applications in primary and secondary packaging, as well as distribution and fulfillment environments, our solutions provide accurate labeling and coding on virtually every substrate in every market.

End of Line

Systems & Integration

As a leading single source provider of turnkey processing and packaging lines, ProMach efficiently and cost-effectively helps customers of all sizes ship more packaged goods out the door. Our global team of technical application and engineering experts can transform individual pieces of equipment into high-performance production lines and help mitigate risk by partnering with customers to provide everything from line design to the end of the line.


ProMach offers one of the most robust lineups of filling technologies in the world, with a complete range of solutions that can fill liquid and viscous food, beverage, dairy, pharmaceutical, personal care, chemical, household, and industrial goods products into a variety of rigid containers. With our broad range of filling capabilities, we can partner with customers to help them choose the best solution for their unique application needs each and every time.

Decorative Labeling

Rigid containers, including bottles, cans, jars, and more, are constantly updated to improve shelf appeal, emphasize new features, highlight nutrition facts, introduce new SKUs, enhance security, and more to win the war for consumer attention. All of these factors impact product labeling needs, and ProMach offers one of the most comprehensive labeling solution portfolios in the industry – from full body sleeves to multi-spot labeling and more – ProMach helps customers maximize the performance of their products on the shelf.

Flexibles & Trays

A single source provider of flexible packaging and rigid tray packaging solutions, ProMach serves a variety of industries and applications. With numerous machinery installations worldwide and a vast portfolio of rugged and proven solutions, ProMach offers extensive experience handling a wide range of products in diverse conditions. ProMach consults with customers to identify the ideal package type to fit their unique application for each project, giving customers both choice and flexibility. Many of the world’s most successful brands use ProMach solutions to package their products into bags, pouches, sachets, stickpacks, trays, and more.

Handling & Sterilizing

When customers need more than products simply moved from point A to point B, ProMach’s Handling solutions can accumulate, position, feed, orient, flip, stack, load, unload, distribute, rotate, reject, push, divert, index, and perform numerous other intricate product handling challenges. And when customers need to deliver shelf stable products to the marketplace, ProMach’s Sterilizing solutions span the entire range of retort technologies, from entry-level systems to entire automated retort rooms. ProMach backs these solutions with cellular line integration and engineering services to automate entire portions of production lines to achieve optimal performance.

Robotics & End of Line

Bundle it, pack it, seal it, palletize it, wrap it, and go: ProMach offers customers a single source for all their robotic and end of line packaging needs, from standalone applications to complex packaging systems. We also provide fully integrated end of line systems that offer the shortest path to production, as well as complete project management capabilities including financial and system-performance responsibility. With entry-level to high-speed applications for nearly all industries and markets, ProMach helps all types of customers achieve better performance and create greater value.

Systems & Process

As a leading single source provider of turnkey processing and packaging lines, ProMach efficiently and cost-effectively helps customers of all sizes ship more packaged goods out the door. Our global team of technical application and engineering experts can transform individual pieces of equipment into high-performance production lines and help mitigate risk by partnering with customers to provide everything from line design to the end of the line.